Bringing the world’s best office experience to Linux
Compatible with Microsoft Office Supports PPT, DOC, DOCX, XLS and XLSX Save documents as a PDF
WPS Office Highlights
- Compatible with Fedora, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Mint, Knoppix and more
- Supports both 32 and 64 bit systems
- Fully compatible with Microsoft Office
- Spell check now available in over 10 different languages
- Supported by our open source community
Compatible with Microsoft Office Supports PPT, DOC, DOCX, XLS and XLSX Save documents as a PDF
- Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT)
- Insert photos, videos, custom animation and more
- Create graphs, charts and tables
- Open multiple presentations in one window using Tabs

- Fully compatible with Microsoft Office (.DOC and .DOCX)
- Insert photos, tables and charts into documents
- Rich text, page and paragraph formatting features
- Collaborate with others using track changes and comments
- Open multiple documents in one window using Tabs
- Drag and Drop paragraph adjustment tool to easily change page formatting
- Fully compatible with Microsoft Exel (.XLS and .XLSX)
- Worksheets supports functions for finance, statistics, IT, engineering and more
- Insert photos, graphs, charts and tables
- Auto-fit cells to their contents
- Includes a 100 common functions and formulas
- Auto-contract condenses and summarizes cells with large volumes of content

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